The Buzz

Find out what people are saying about B’s Treats

“Hi, my name is Sharon Coomer, and I wanted to give you my personal feedback on the “buzz.” The baked items are absolutely the best I have ever had!! From the chocolate covered strawberries, to the cakes, pies, ohhhh and the breads to the flavored popcorn. All the items are baked fresh, with real ingredients, not the can stuff sitting on the store shelves. I can honestly say that they are better than anything I have ever bought from a bakery. Try it for yourself, you won’t be disappointed. “
-Sharon Coomer

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“Bethany is my mother and growing up she has always been working in the kitchen whipping up desserts out of this world. She has inspired me to want to make cakes and memories for my children as she once did and still do today. She is always creating something spectacular at every holiday and get together. I just love her chocolate covered pretzels and recently ordered a dozen. My fiance just fell inlove with her Italian filled cream cupcakes and requested some be made for his birthday coming up!.” 
-Melita Williams

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“Bethany’s baking is absolutely amazing! she makes these delicious brownies that melt in your mouth and her snickerdoodles are to literally die for. Best baker I’ve ever met.”
– Kyra Kindred

“Ms, Bethany’s goods are always homemade and you can definitely taste the difference in every bite. All the flavors seemingly dance a jig on my pallette.
When people see me with one of her goodies they always ask me, even without trying them, ” where did you buy this?” I simply say it was all made by Ms Bethany.
Long story short her treats remind me of home.” 
-Vanessa Sample

” Bethany has been making all kinds of goodies for us week after week at church, and she spoils our family with her delicious treats all the time too! We always look forward to what she’ll bring. Her cream puffs are the best cream puffs I’ve ever had, and her sugar cookies are something special too! Whatever you try, I know you’ll love it and come back to order again and again!” – Cherith Peters

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